Hi, I'm Dmitrii, Frontend developer from Moldova.
About me
Short description about myself for all of the internet!
Featured Projects
Good Work Loaders
Short description of my project. What it is and what it does.
- JavaScript
- Alpine.js
- Python
- Django
- Wagtail CMS
My Skills
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- Alpine.js
- Vue
- React
- Next.js
- Django
- Git
- TailwindCSS
- Boostrap
- Framer Motion
My Experience
Title of my experience
Location, where it happened.
Short desctription what i was doing
Dates in a format of (Year Month - Year Month)Title of my experience
Nameoflink City, Country
Short desctription what I was doing.
Dates in a format of (Year Month - Year Month)Title of my experience
Location, where it happened.
Short desctription what I was doing.
Dates in format of (Year Month - Year Month)Title of my experience
Location, where it happened.
Short desctription what I was doing.
Dates in a format of (Year Month - Year Month)Featured Projects
Please contact me directly at dgherastovschi@gmail.com or through this form.